Fluoroquinolones (Quinolones)

This page is a copy of: http://tmedweb.tulane.edu/pharmwiki/doku.php/fluoroquinolones


<box 80% #fff #fff #ccc #000| Black Box Warnings: TENDINITIS, TENDON RUPTURE, Worsening of Myasthenia Gravis> Fluoroquinolones are associated with an increased risk of TENDINITIS & TENDON RUPTURE in all ages. The risk is increased in patients >60 yo, in patients taking corticosteroids, and in patients with kidney, lung or heart transplants. To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria, the use of fluoroquinolones should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria.

Fluoroquinolones may exacerbate muscle weakness in persons with myasthenia gravis. Avoid use of this class of antibiotics in patients with a known history of myasthenia gravis. </box>

<box 80% #fff #fff #ccc #000| Fluoroquinolones & Mitochondrial Toxicity > The mechanisms by which fluoroquinolones exert their toxic side effects in patients remains poorly understood. Fluoroquinolones have been reported to induce mitochondrial related oxidative stress and damage of mitochondiral DNA (Lawrence et al, 1996; Pouzaud et al, 2006; Li et al, 2010; Kalghatgi et al, 2013). These toxic effects may result from inhibiting mitochondrial “topoisomerase II-like” activity (Lawrence et al, 1999). Other studies suggest that fluoroquinolone damage to tendons may also result from sequestering of magnesium, a mineral essential for the normal function of integrins involved in cell-to-cell adhesion (Sendzik et al, 2009). </box>
