My passion and hobby was to always be Frugal. In the early years of our marriage it took a while to get Hubby on board with the plan. Once he was on board we got all of our debts paid off and never went back. If we did not have cash in the bank to cover an expense we did not buy it. Simple as that. This allowed is to pay for the sudden unexpected trips to places like Durham to get treatment for my CSF Leaks. You'll have a lot less stress and better health in your life when you and yours are debt free. If you are just starting your Frugal journey start with [[|Dave Ramsey's]] [[|Seven Baby Steps]] . These were my favorite Frugal Sites: * [[|The Dollar Stretcher: Frugal Living Since 1996]] * * [Read their stories] * * [Karen did not need it. It is a good way to get started in Frugal Living.] * [Karen would have liked this one if she had known about it.] A few if the Frugal books from my Library: {{url>®ion=US&placement=1884956491&asins=1884956491&linkId=DQKI6X25M45NM5OF&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true 120px,240px noscroll left| |The Frugal Senior: Hundreds of Creative Ways to Stretch a Dollar!}} //The Frugal Senior: Hundreds of Creative Ways to Stretch a Dollar!// by Rich Gray. {{url>®ion=US&placement=0969808321&asins=0969808321&linkId=O57WIQ4KQLQ76HQ3&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true 120px,240px noscroll left|Car Secrets Revealed: Tips on Car Buying, Leasing, Repairs, Insurance, and More}} //Car Secrets Revealed: Tips on Car Buying, Leasing, Repairs, Insurance, and More// by Corey Rudl. {{url>®ion=US&placement=1581126026&asins=1581126026&linkId=DJ4T5WVL7HKRIHVQ&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true 120px,240px noscroll left|Thrifting into a Debt-Free, Carefree Lifestyle}} //Thrifting into a Debt-Free, Carefree Lifestyle// by Marguerite Hartt. ---- Here is an example of my frugality. Long ago a holistic Vet recommended we give Missing Link to [[:user:gpaddock/start|Diamond]]. I learned that the formula for horses was the same thing, with a bit more alfalfa yet far cheaper per ounce than the dog formula. So the dogs, Hubby and I all took the horse stuff. We mixed ours with juice and put the dogs on their food at feeding time, twice a day. {{url>®ion=US&placement=B001FGSK5K&asins=B001FGSK5K&linkId=5KGT7KB2JQ4EGJNH&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true 120px,240px noscroll left|Missing Link 10-Pound Equine Skin and Coat Formula for Horses}} //Missing Link 10-Pound Equine Skin and Coat Formula for Horses//.