CSF Leaks are almost //always// misdiagnosed as migraines due to CSF Leaks being so unknown by the doctors, not due to it being rare. Food sensitivities, which are different than food allergies, are the most common cause of migraines that always gets overlooked. The top problematic foods are: * Wheat * Corn * Eggs * Chocolate * Aspartame/AminoSweet, which is a Neural Peptide, a brain chemical. What few realize is that it can take up to //four days// to react to a food. Do you remember what you ate four days ago?? A food journal and and an elimination diet would be helpful to rule out that something you are consuming is causing your migraine. Food allergies can show up with very unexpected symptoms like migraines, elbow pain or back pain etc. For example allergies to the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanaceae|nightshade plants]], that are very common in our diets, mimic the symptoms of Lupus and/or Rheumatoid Arthritis. A scratch test done that is commonly is looking for an anaphylactic reaction, not a true allergies. {{page>:kpaddock:multiple_chemical_sensitivity}} **//We are what we absorb.//** Also it has been estimated that ten percent of the 30,000,000 suffering from migraine headaches world wide, daily, are actual suffering from [[resources:what_is_csfl_ih|CSF Leaks]], that is 3,000,000 per day! {{page>:disclaimer}}